Danisha Jefferson-Abye, MPH, LMT


Danisha Jefferson-Abye, MPH, LMT is the founder and Chief Operating Officer of the Tubman Center for Health & Freedom. Prior to founding Tubman Health, she had two established careers that inform and inspire her work. Beginning in 1994, Danisha worked as an Organizer on a variety of issue campaigns facing Black, Native, LGBTQ, and poor communities across the country. She has assisted community organizations, grassroots activists and tribal governments on campaigns ranging from national health care reform, health disparities, police accountability, and reproductive rights to defending traditional hunting and fishing practices, immigration policies and environmental justice. As a Massage Therapist, Danisha specialized in the treatment of reproductive conditions. She provided culturally appropriate care while working closely with her patients to help them meet their health goals. She’s worked cooperatively with Acupuncturists, OBGYNs and Reproductive Endocrinologists in the region, and saw firsthand the benefits of an integrative, collaborative practice. Danisha is a published researcher with research interests in: healthcare systems, indigenous medicine, public health policy as it relates to racism, healthcare needs of marginalized communities, biological responses to racism, and implementation science/action research, specifically. Danisha attended Seattle Central College and the University of Washington where she studied biology and health sciences before receiving a Master of Public Health degree with an emphasis on Healthcare Systems and Policy. 
  • Superpower: Meeting people where they’re at
  • Kryptonite: Chocolate
  • Known on the streets for: Getting people pregnant (see paragraph three!) and working in the shadows
  • When not at work: I’m at my other job, as a Mom of two
  • I identify as:  A Black/Native/White, Choctaw/Cherokee descendant, Queer or Bi, Mom, Wife, Gen-X’er, Hip-Hop nurtured, Socialist, born in San Fran but Seattle raised, Franklin Quaker amongst a family of Bulldogs, transparent, being
  • I dedicate my work at the Tubman Center for Health & Freedom to…: My Grandmother Marjorie, Dad, Charles and Uncle Upendo, who all died untimely deaths due to medical racism and failures within the mainstream medical system